We Make London's Chelsea Fair got featured in this weeks Timeout, with The complete guide to London's Christmas markets. Marvellous. London Clay Birds got a special little mention too! Thanks guys.
Thank you one and all for a lovely weekend, we had a great time. The stalls were of an exceptionally high standard, as always, too many to mention all of them but a few stand out sellers were: all cats are grey with their super imaginative prints; likewise heart zeena had a beautiful table of goodies; edwyn uk brought a bit of style and class with her must have gifts. Other designers of note include emily bucknell, fancy and fondant and Vic Lee - brilliant.
Dates for the ol'diary. We will be setting up stall at the lovely Abney Hall again on the 13th and 14th November thanks to the amazing efforts of Jessica at Of Cabbages and Kings and again on Saturday 18th December to end the year. Inbetween these events we'll be at the WE Make Christmas fair on the 4th December - Hope you can join us!
Pair of London Clay Birds
Handmade birdboxes with pyrography detail. Products found on my Folksy site....